This week at MBPS
Be true to yourself and surround yourself with positive, supportive people - Payal Kadakia
Our saying this week is a follow-on from last week’s Newsletter presented to you by Shelley and the MBPS Team – I am certainly surrounded by good positive and supportive people… I could not have enjoyed my ‘sojourn’ in Italy without them - Thank you to the MBPS Team!
I will not bore you with my ‘holiday snaps’, but rather I have shared below the Team celebrating Wendy’s 10th Anniversary this week.
Thankfully it is back to business!
As is usual, there was a short ‘lull’ in the market leading up to the Federal Election recently, thus my sudden disappearance – a window of opportunity that could not be missed… That ‘lull’ has eased over the last week or so and the MBPS Team have been busy with Appraisals again, so a busy week... I must say, the ‘lull’ could only be described as a quieter time on the street and with Appraisal opportunities. There has not been any indication that our ‘strong’ seller’s market will not continue, which is supported by the continued high level of buyer enquiry. The rain certainly did not help, so we are very pleased to have the sunshine back over the past couple of days and hope everyone has weathered the storm, so to speak – and I am not just speaking of the rain…
New Listings -
This week we have two newly listed excellent apartments in the Xanadu Complex - one in the East Tower and one in the North Tower. They are totally diverse with varying degrees of ocean views, resulting in varying price guides. Please contact Carmen on 0410 706 726 for more details. Once photography is obtained, they will be presented to the broader market, if not sold beforehand…
We also have a 3 bedroom, semi-detached house in Blake Street, Southport, which will go to market next week at 'Offers over $599,000'. Considering the future of Southport, that appears a bargain to me, so give us a call for more information...
The Park Lane apartment mentioned in last week’s newsletter is feature below and available for inspection at any time, so please contact Carmen to arrange to view. She will be there for an ‘Open Home’ between 10:30 and 11 am this morning, Saturday. I do realise I am a little late with that news – I am back to my ‘old self’ with a late newsletter – apologies!
Please do not miss our ‘Properties for Lease’ below.
Have a wonderful week and all the very best.
Annette Sinclair
Principal Licensee
M 0408 218 361
E [email protected]